reset, checkout, revert


You should now have all the tools you could ever need to undo changes in a Git repository. The git reset, git checkout, and git revert commands can be confusing, but when you think about their effects on the working directory, staged snapshot, and commit history, it should be easier to discern which command fits the development task at hand.

The table below sums up the most common use cases for all of these commands. Be sure to keep this reference handy, as you’ll undoubtedly need to use at least some them during your Git career.

Command Scope Common use cases
git reset commit-level Discard commits in a private branch or throw away uncommited changes.
git reset file-level Unstage a file.
git checkout commit-level Switch between branches or inspect old snapshots.
git checkout file-level Discard changes in the working directory.
git revert commit-level Undo commits in a public branch.
git revert file-level (N/A)